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How to change the default Java in API Manager

The ColdFusion API Manager typically comes with default Java versions (1.8.0_112 and 1.8.0_361). However, you may need to upgrade these versions. Since the ColdFusion API Manager is certified only with JDK 1.8 (at the time of writing this blog), we will download the latest JDK 1.8 version available on the Adobe Download page. Step 1: Download the JDK 1.8u421 from the Adobe ColdFusion Downloads page and install it. Step 2: In Linux, edit the “apimanager” script located at /opt/coldfusion2023apimanager/bin,  change […]

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Saml Generated P12 Cert password

ColdFusion 2021 Saml SSO setup with cert

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RELEASED- ColdFusion 2023 and 2021 June 11th, 2024 Security Updates

We are pleased to announce that we have released security updates to ColdFusion (2023 release) Update 8 and ColdFusion (2021 release) Update 14.This update includes several security fixes to ensure the safety and security of our systems. These changes address potential vulnerabilities and threats and are part of our ongoing commitment to protecting your data and privacy.For more information, view the security bulletin,  APSB24-41. Where do I download the updates from Download the updates from the following locations: ColdFusion (2023 release) […]

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ColdFusion 2018 Datasource connects with AD Credentials

Anyone know how to setup a Datasource connection to a MS SQL Server 2016 using Active Directory credentials with CF 2018 enterprise version? Currently we use DB credentials but the business is moving away from that and wants more secure AD account connections. Problem is my CF 2018 installation is on RHEL 7.9 and WebSphere and CF does not run under any AD account that I am aware of. I am thinking there is no way to do what […]

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Thread management with JDK21 – what’s changing and features to look forward to

JDK21 introduces a bunch of useful functionalities around thread management such as virtual thread but it also changes things with regards to thread.stop functionality which affects ColdFusion’s implementation for thread’s functionality around termination. First up, let’s understand what’s changing in thread terminate. Why is cfthread.stop handling required? The next release of ColdFusion upgrades Java to JDK21. JDK21 has removed the thread stop method so to certify it we will have to make changes in cfthread terminate and threadterminate which internally […]

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Hello, I am working on integrating UPS REST API and getting error message: {"response":{"errors":[{"code":"110609","message":"All package dimensions are required and each must be greater than 0 for package 1."}]}} This is my code: <!--- Get UPS Access Token Information ---> <cfhttp url="" method="post" result="ups_authorization"> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" /> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="x-merchant-id" value="#UPSAccountNumber#" /> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="Basic #ToBase64(clientID & ':' & secretKey)#" /> <cfhttpparam name="grant_type" value="client_credentials" type="formfield"> </cfhttp> <cfset ups_access_token_json = DeserializeJSON(ToString(ups_authorization.filecontent)) /> <cfset ups_access_token = ups_access_token_json.access_token /> <!--- Get […]

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